
Burton David Rose is sometimes referred to as the Steve Jobs of medicine because of his role as the creator of the finest medical reference ever created, UpToDate. However even before developing UpToDate, he had a remarkable and distinguished career as the author of a number of influential text books. The most important of which was…

The Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders. Between the covers of this book with the driest of titles came beautiful, clear prose that meticulously dissected the inner workings of renal physiology. Rose helped the reader build an intricate model from which they could predict how a patient would respond to the variety of kidney insults encountered in clinical medicine. Readers could stop memorizing and finally understand the kidney.

For decades, nephrologists have used Rose’s text to teach themselves renal physiology. It is not an exaggeration to say that you can date a nephrologist by asking her the color of her Burton Rose.

  • First edition, 1977, green

  • Second edition, 1984, orange

  • Third edition, 1989, green, but lighter green

  • Fourth edition, 1993, yellow (my version)

  • Fifth edition, 2000, black

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Residency and fellowship training programs often use bookclubs to encourage and assist trainees to read a foundational book. Some books are a slog, but even the best books can be intimidating in the midst of demanding clinical responsibilities. Book clubs socialize the lonely page turning. It is easier to put the time in if you know you are going to have a light and joyful conversation about the chapter in a few days. Channel Your Enthusiasm aims to be that light and joyful discussion as we go through the book, chapter by chapter. Please join us on our Burton Rose Book Club journey.